This book is the most special project I have worked on to date. Inside are 30 plus pages of my detailed sketches, documentations and photos. The pages take you on our once in a lifetime journey through Tanzania.
Your book can be printed with a hardcover or a paperback. The paperback is of course cheaper, but the hardback feels hearty in the hand (and the cover is quite smooth).
Here is the intro to the book:
Many years ago, on a ranch in the middle of nowhere Montana, a five year old girl learned about lions. She longed to see lions running in the wild. As the years went by hot air balloons came to the county fairs. The thought of riding in one was exhilarating and when her ranch chores were done she would climb atop the barn roof to look across the plains. She would inch to the edge of the roof and peer over, pretending to be in a hot air balloon high over the Serengeti, searching the ground for lions and the elusive cheetah. The barn cats weren't quite lions or cheetahs, but someday, maybe someday she would see them from a hot air balloon...
The years passed by and other dreams took priority, but she always kept this dream deep in her heart. Finally on her 70th birthday, my grandma, the girl from rural Montana, saw her dream come true. As the sun rose on the new year of 2019, she rode in a hot air balloon over the Serengeti. My mom, dad, sister and I were with her.
The stories, sayings and snippets in this book are the sketches of what I saw, documentations of what touched me, my photos, and funny conversations captured while bumping along in the truck or sitting by candlelight at our various remote camps.
Now, I share this dream with you... The story where my grandma's dream came true.
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Safari - stories, sayings & snippets of Tanzania
MiniezShops Elizabeth Zosel retains all rights to anything sold on this website or through her wholesalers, her images & creations may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without permission from the artist.
Nothing Miniezshop sells is edible. Do not ingest or put pieces near mouth. Keep small sculptures away from children. By purchasing you are agreeing not to hold Miniezshops Elizabeth Zosel responsible for any harm that comes from ingesting her sculptures or other products she sells. DO NOT EAT, DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH, DO NOT SWALLOW!