This template PDF download is a printable version of the template and instructions included in Miniezshops DIY Gnome kit. The template gives you the outline of the hat, body, head, nose, arms, and hands of four different sizes of mini gnomes.
Whether you're new to sculpting or want a fun activity to do with friends. Miniezshops DIY Gnome kits are made for you to experience the love of sculpting!
To make the gnomes you will either need Miniezshops DIY Gnome Kit or these additional materials: Clay, Toothpicks, Super Glue, A Rolling Tool, An Angled Tool or A Pen Tip, & Fiber.
Miniezshop also has alpaca fiber her parents farm available for purchase.
Be sure to read Additional Info Sections before purchasing.
Thank you so much for supporting Miniezshop, you’re the reason I do a happy dance after each order!
Ps. Share what you make with the #miniezshop
DIY Gnome Downloadable Printable Template & Instructions
MiniezShops Elizabeth Zosel retains all rights to anything sold on this website or through her wholesalers, her images, pdfs &creations may not be reproduced or sold, in whole or in part, without permission from the artist. Do not sell anything you create from these.